CLEAR ACID 'Manic Spring' cassette

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CLEAR ACID 'Manic Spring' cassette

Clear Acid Tapes (Self released)

Fort Worth 'gazers here with their refreshing 2021 EP of precious alternative rock jams and unending dronetone pop clashing into dreamy noise . Members of notable DFW acts Nihilistic Fit and Three Rose Charm are present, amongst others.

Reminds us if 80s post-punk/darkwave met up and jammed with 80s/90s twee-turning-into soundbath rock. In other words, the transition period from the jangly, shimmering Britpop to the genre we all know & love defined by its drowning of pop/rock by means of a heavy-handed (psychedelic) access to all things distorted, loop-driven, and feedback-drenched. Cocteau Twins meets early Mercury Rev

FFO: Chapterhouse, my bloody valentine, Lush, walls of big gentle riffs ala Our Mystikal Master Robin Gvthrie